Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Beginning of a New Rotary Year...

This is my first post of a new blog that will chronicle my Rotary journey as District Governor.  At times, I'll reflect on how I got to this point while other posts will detail exactly what I'm doing at the moment.  If you're interested in Rotary or following the journey, I hope you'll subscribe for email updates.

I'm still often asked, "What's Rotary?"  Rotary is a worldwide member organization that offers members an opportunity to 'Connect Leaders, Exchange Ideas and Take Action.'   I'll be leading Rotary District 6910 comprised of 73 clubs and approximately 3200 Rotarians as District Governor in the Rotary year 2016-17 that begins 1 July.   Consisting of three districts (6900, 6910 and 6920), there are about 10,000 Rotarians in the State of Georgia.

My primary role as district governor is that of supporting the clubs.  Prior to the year's official start on  July 1, my responsibilities have included not only my personal training and planning, but also planning the training of the 73 club presidents at a President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS), planning and leading an Assistant Governor and Leadership Team training, and also conducting a District 6910 Assembly for all members in the district.  I was honored and humbled at the support and attendance of not only District 6910 Rotarians but also ten past district governors at the Assembly.  We are fortunate in District 6910 to have a number of active and involved past district governors who never say no when asked to help.  My role beginning on July 1 will involve an official visit to each club in the district during the year.  

Rotary International is made up of 535 districts in over 200 countries and territories. Those districts are designated as part of 34 zones.  Here in Georgia, we in District 6910 are part of Rotary's Zone 34.  Zone 34 consists of Georgia, Florida, all of the English and French speaking islands of the Caribbean, Guyana, French Guyana, and Suriname on the northern coast of South America. Consisting of 27 countries, Zone 34 contains more countries than any other Rotary zone in the world.

The next level of Rotary Leadership is regional leaders such as membership, public image, and Rotary Foundation coordinators.  Currently, our Zone 34 Membership Coordinator is Art MacQueen; Rotary Public Image Coordinator is Betsy Owen.  Our Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator is David Stovall, and he's also my husband.  Regional leaders are past district governors who share their respective areas of expertise at zone training events and even at the club level throughout the zone.  Those coordinators do have assistants to help though throughout the zone though.  Nearby are Assistant Coordinators Scott Parmenter, Rotary Foundation Coordinator, and Carol Colon, Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator (both of District 6910).   Al Lipphardt of District 6900 is Assistant Membership Coordinator.

The Rotary International Board of Directors is made up of 17 Rotarians representing the 34 Rotary zones, plus the President, President-Elect, and General Secretary John Hewko.  Our current Zone 33/34 Director, Robert Hall from Zone 34, is finishing his 2nd year of a two year term.  Joe Mulkerrin, of Virginia in Zone 33, will begin his two year term as Director July 1 when my term as district governor begins.  I'm thrilled that we have a U.S. Rotary International President this year.  John Germ of Chattanooga Tennessee, and wife, Judy, will serve Rotary as International President in 2016-17.

With Rotary International Director Jennifer Jones of Ontario, Canada.

 With Rotary International President John Germ and wife Judy of Chattanooga, Tennessee.

The 73 club presidents in our Rotary District 6910 have not only me and district chairs to help them accomplish goals, but also an assistant governor.  Seventeen assistant governors throughout the district are assigned four to five clubs each.  The assistant governor establishes relationships with each club and serves as a liaison between the club and the district governor. The District 6910 Directory & Guide Book shows a listing of all our district leadership with assistant governors and club presidents listed.

Here are a few of District 6910's Assistant Governors...A fun group!  Left to right:  Bobby Hildreth, Hector Colon, Margie Ensley, Vernon Smith, Ann-Margaret Johnston, Don Martin, Jef Fincher, Leslie George and me.

Subscribe for updates on my Rotary journey as District Governor to learn more about Rotary and what I'm doing as District Governor.

Here I'm wearing the 2016-17 theme jacket that all district governors will wear and the theme scarf.  Each Rotary International President chooses a theme jacket for governors, along with a theme tie and scarf.

Kim Waters
Rotary International District 6910
District Governor, 2016-17


  1. Good start DG Kim, I wish you well in your endeavours.

    1. Thank you, Karl. I appreciate your support and all you do.

  2. Excellent idea to have a blog of your DG journey! We're here to support you and to help you support the clubs!

  3. Thank you, Peter. I appreciate your support and all you Rotarians do in the Canton club.
